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I want know more!

Crazed Fujoshi May 7, 2018 7:48 pm

I want to know what happens now! does Sunyool tell Jisuh everything that happened to lead to that point, or what Heejae had first had planned? I need to know!
And honestly, I think Sunyool is a whiny little brat who gets pissed off when he doesn't get what he wants. I mean sure I was shocked to find out what had truly started Heejae's interest in Jisuh, but you can actually see that he's started to actually develop at least some true feelings for Jisuh. So Sunyool, just sit in the corner and cry or find someone else please. I'm tired of your overly forceful personality. I mean seriously, rummaging through his coat and putting your number in his phone like that talk about rude. Heejae x Jisuh all the way!
