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Coming back here just to remind myself that my ship Baron x Mono sailed ε=ε=(ノ≧∇...

6v6 May 5, 2018 2:49 am

Coming back here just to remind myself that my ship Baron x Mono sailed ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ

    Glitterbaby's Girl May 9, 2018 5:01 am
    yeas I think you right, but this ending left me with a very bad feeling, like nothing was solve or complate. at least monday and manhaha got some ending ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ maychan


    Glitterbaby's Girl May 9, 2018 4:38 pm


    RedFromMars May 10, 2018 5:21 pm
    Mum said she won't do going to S3, so I doubt she ever touch Mono or Baron again. she did said she do a bonus thing for Lego "love story" but honestly, I don't really care about it at this point. she better mak... maychan

    Yes mum said she don’t have plans for S3 but its not bad that we hope in the future she’ll decide to continue this. And we’re also hoping she will complete or add details on the physical release because this was abruptly ended with the lezhin protest. And about the open ending thing, I think that goes with what your ship is. To us MonoBaron shippers, its pretty clear that its Mono and Baron for each other and that’s why we’re happy about it. And about Lego, I’m one of those anticipating what love story will mum gave him. Seems like Rose will help him find one. ;)

    maychan May 10, 2018 11:41 pm
    Yes mum said she don’t have plans for S3 but its not bad that we hope in the future she’ll decide to continue this. And we’re also hoping she will complete or add details on the physical release because t... RedFromMars

    I don't agree it's about your shipping in order to be happy from this ending. my bust example is actually "yuri on ice" if you watch it, then you know well...the ending is kind of open too and suck. but you kind of guess they end up together and you do happy for them and all.
    I do ship yuri on ice main character's and still wasn't happy at all about the series ending. it was rush, it was annoying and it was disappointing!
    and still, I can say it was way better then this comic ending.
    again, I won't blame anyone if they are happy with this ending, I just talking about how I felt about it without going into shipping or bias.
    at least YOI ending had some things solve in the end, here in this comic though I didn't felt anything was solve or answerd at all! many things left open and it's not a good way to end a series! I will never be satisfy from this out of no where ending, even if my ship did sail.
    I actually was much more happy with the first season ending, at least there you didn't have SOO MANY questions and things that didn't got any answer left in the open air to guess by yourself ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

    Anonymous May 11, 2018 1:31 pm
    Yes mum said she don’t have plans for S3 but its not bad that we hope in the future she’ll decide to continue this. And we’re also hoping she will complete or add details on the physical release because t... RedFromMars

    Im so angry at Lezhin :( So many issues with them and so many talented authors having to give up and rush their work to finish it. Maybe once everything's settled mum will continue the story. And absolutely agree with MonoxBaron and Lego comments. I think it's time Mono and Baron got their happy ending together and I'm so excited for a Lego story. Rose is da bestest friend ever xD and knowing Lego's gonna find someone who loves him back...I think that'd be so sweet and cute! Maybe we'll get to see some more blushing Lego hehehe

    RedFromMars May 11, 2018 2:27 pm
    Im so angry at Lezhin :( So many issues with them and so many talented authors having to give up and rush their work to finish it. Maybe once everything's settled mum will continue the story. And absolutely agr... @Anonymous

    Right??! I hope the authors get what they deserve from Lezhin! We're all hoping that once everything is settled mum will continue this. It's such a beautiful story <3 Yes for MonoBaron continuation of story and yes for Lego's story. And I have to agree that Rose is the bestest friend ever. Sometimes it made me think that if only she's a boy she might have her own story or partnered with Lego xD I still love her anyways and its very rare you find a lovable female character in a yaoi manga.