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poor mo..

souleater98 May 4, 2018 12:39 pm

like he's always a bit rough and moody but you can see that he's a good guy when it comes down to it! I'm glad he was able to see his father even tough it was in prison.. he tian will have to protect that little bun

    Lycoris.Lili May 4, 2018 1:43 pm

    Though from what we've seen thus far it might be He Tian's family's fault that Mo's dad is in prison, is it not? My throat is closing up and ,y eyes are teary, too many feels. (Y~Y)

    souleater98 May 4, 2018 1:53 pm
    Though from what we've seen thus far it might be He Tian's family's fault that Mo's dad is in prison, is it not? My throat is closing up and ,y eyes are teary, too many feels. (Y~Y) Lycoris.Lili

    the thing is I was thinking about that too but I wasn't quite sure about it.. I just hope Mo will be able to have lots of great moments with his friends! (●'◡'●)ノ