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Senjusinda April 26, 2018 1:52 pm

When i started to read this manga i was just like " OMGG THAT IS SO GOOD AND INTERESTING STORY WAAAH". But now, i feel like im watching a latin soap opera. wHY this ended up being a boring and cliche story

    Anonymous April 26, 2018 2:06 pm

    Stop reading it then, are you people THAT stupid?

    Emerald April 26, 2018 2:17 pm
    Stop reading it then, are you people THAT stupid? @Anonymous

    obviously people will still read it to either see how things will turn out or see the couple happy after all the tiresome drama or other reasons.
    I just don't think you should be telling people to stop reading or calling others stupid

    Senjusinda April 26, 2018 2:49 pm
    Stop reading it then, are you people THAT stupid? @Anonymous

    Wtf i have the right to criticize that manga of course, it just like saying "if you don't agree with me, then don't comment" lol