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i cant believe sesaam for sleeping with yan when he just love canale.. i love the story bu...

Anonymous August 12, 2013 10:23 am

i cant believe sesaam for sleeping with yan when he just love canale.. i love the story but the way yan and sesaam get to love each other is so...its just it hurt to see yan love sesaam so much but sesaam just..pplease someone know what i feel

    nu September 27, 2013 9:46 am

    I understand

    Suggababi January 21, 2015 6:06 am

    I may be late to the party, but when I read your review it just mirrors what I am feeling! It hurt me to see Yan love not really being returned. Or how easy it seemed for Sesaam to ignore his feelings. Even if he don't return those feelings you would think as a friend he would have sill been mindful, talked to Yan or just cared some.