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I see it's time for a refresher course in Separating Fiction from Reality. JFC, children, ...

Anonymous April 22, 2018 2:21 pm

I see it's time for a refresher course in Separating Fiction from Reality. JFC, children, it's a manga. It's not a BDSM manual. It's a fantasy. The comments here are like the endlessly tiresome "Rape is bad!" shit that pollutes this site. No shit, Sherlock. Rape is bad. BDSM has a set of rules and behaviors. Manga may not reflect ideal behaviors. Always eat your vegetables. Grow the fuck up.

    clouds April 22, 2018 2:34 pm

    I understand what you are saying and yes those sort of spamming comments aren't exactly fruitful to conversation/debate, but the issue isn't with illegal practices like rape or bdsm being depicted, but how they are depicted. If it's just for some fan service smut then ofcourse people are going to think it's quite lazy plot development, ditto with the actual severity of the injuries obtained through the activities shown in this manga which is glossed over then onto another 5 years of being battered and restrained, where even the MC hasn't any insight into the person he is partnered with's views. More exploration of that, more of the aftercare would have created a rounder story.

    SayerSong April 22, 2018 2:37 pm

    Thank you for posting this. While I think that your sentence of "Grow the fuck up." was unneccesary, I do agree with the rest of your statement and was about to post something along those lines myself. While this manga is not neccesarily true to what real BDSM is, as you stated, it is a manga. And mangas don't always follow reality. It is fantasy and there is a difference. Also, it is still better than the Fifty Shades series, imo.

    KattCleo April 24, 2018 5:06 pm

    yup dis, agreed.