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Mirai┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

MillicentTummy April 17, 2018 6:28 am

I don't see Mirai as a bad guy here like the others do. Like come one. He properly considered his ex's feelings before and after going out with them and he really loved them in his own way. Actually his ex's are the evil ones. Hahaha. Ex-boyfriend #1, not knowing Mirai's reason why he didn't call him, jumped into conclusion that Mirai actually didn't feel a bit of affection for him, when in fact Mirai didn't call him because he didn't want to disrupt his concentration while taking the entrance exam and end up failing. Ex-boyfriend #2, we all know what he did in the train. Fucking coward. Ex-boyfriend #3, he took Mirai's first time and just up and left. Although I think he wanted to take Mirai with him but ended up leaving by himself and abandoning Mirai. Y'all stop hating on Mirai. He's the victim here. ( ̄ε(# ̄)
