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Overall Review ( ̄へ ̄)

ItsLittleRoo April 14, 2018 4:29 am

Junjou Romantica is an absolute fantastic series that wins first place when it comes to plot, character development, and emotional grasp. Aside from the art style not fitting my tastes the entire story takes the readers on a journey as they analyze three different couples who have lived in completely different scenarios, we get to watch as people grow to love not only others but themselves as well, when the very well being of our beloved characters is threatened we feel our hearts churn with anticipation as the next page turns, if a character cries then the reader will more than likely feel his pain as well.

You can very well see that the mangaka took her time creating this story and I am happy to have been given the honor of reading it. I look forward to future chapters. Five stars. ~LittleRoo
