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what is mangago’s email?? how do you get in contact with them?? i’m having login issue...

Anonymous April 10, 2018 5:38 pm

what is mangago’s email?? how do you get in contact with them?? i’m having login issues where it says “this people requested cancellation for their account” ... and i never requested a cancellation, but it won’t let me log back in.

    Anonymous April 10, 2018 6:15 pm

    This site is a piece of shit, there are countless problems with it and no one is even inclined to fix them. Scroll to the bottom of the page where it says ''Contact US''. But you most likely will not get a reply.

    Anonymous April 11, 2018 6:19 am
    This site is a piece of shit, there are countless problems with it and no one is even inclined to fix them. Scroll to the bottom of the page where it says ''Contact US''. But you most likely will not get a repl... @Anonymous

    (I'm the op).... I've actaully used the 'contact us' at the bottom of the site... TWICE.. and they never responded to each one. this seems really unfair consdiering I never caused this issue. I have no idea why this is happening. I wish this website would work like others where if you cancel/deactivate your account (even though I didn't).. it still gives you thirty days to log back in in case you change your mind... that way I could just sign in and fix it myself but it just won't let me login at all. this is so frustrating. :"/

    Yao-shi December 4, 2020 1:22 am
    Helpbruh June 12, 2021 12:45 pm
    Hope this tutorial help! Yao-shi

    Im sorry for replying to you but can you help me?I tried to reset my password but the email with the link never gets to my mailbox ,i tried to contact manga go but i dont think they respond:(