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Wow, that was really unexpected from both of them. You'd think Taeyi would already know Se...

Orion Uke April 9, 2018 7:49 pm

Wow, that was really unexpected from both of them. You'd think Taeyi would already know Seheon likes him cos they kissed already?! Σ(  ̄□ ̄||)

As someone who has been reading it every week since the day it released, it is so satisfying to see Seheon mature more and more, little by little, with each episode. How his feelings developed from wanting to keep away from Taeyi at all costs to falling in love with him is so cute, and there's no beating around the bush – he is absolutely 100% honest with himself and his feelings.

I'm eager to see how Taeyi will redeem himself after this, since we all know he likes Seheon. (●'◡'●)ノ
