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Let's play something really fun

Succubus April 7, 2018 9:57 pm

So basically you guys tell some messed up or thrilling stories about yourselves then if someone likes that story they reply with their messed up story, if you like another person's story, you come up with another one about yourself etc etc.
Let's do it (=・ω・=)

    #801 April 7, 2018 10:06 pm

    i thought i went trough a mirrior once when i was around 6 or 7. but like i believe in the paranormal and stuff, but going through a mirror Σ(  ̄□ ̄||) like who gon believe that. so i thought it was a dream but about a week ago my mom said "do you remember when you told me you went through a mirror" and she said where and stuff so like... that's kinda messed up

    chizaman April 7, 2018 10:11 pm

    The most thrilling story ever.

    When I was little I was afraid of toilets. They looked super tall and intimidating and I was always afraid they'd overflow and I'd drown. I even had a dream about being trapped in a bathroom with Aang from Avatar: the Last Airbender and drowning from an overflowing toilet. So one day, I was at afterschool care and I really needed to use the restroom but I was afraid to go. I eventually went there and opened a stall, staying as far from the toilet as possible. But I quickly chickened out and ran out of the restroom. So then I went back to the center and just let it out in my pants. I really wanted to sit down, but I just stood there, hoping no one would notice. So after my mother picked me up, I told her I'd had an accident and I had to get changed. The end.

    Lucy In The Sky April 7, 2018 10:19 pm

    My friends and I were cruising down the road late at night. We were kinda high. And I don't condone being high while driving. Like, seriously, don't do that. We were being stupid. The road was pretty desolate. No traffic. And we had the radio up loud, singing along to a few favorites. And then suddenly, the radio starts going in and out. We thought nothing of it. A few seconds later, a white beam of light was hovering over the car. And it had this amazing and terrifying low frequency humming sound that literally shattered our eardrums.....or so we thought. We screamed and the car went into a ditch. We were crying and freaking out. Bruises on our legs and arms. We crawled on the forest floor to get back to the road to flag any car down for help. But all we the middle of the road was an unidentified vehicle, very strange, very dark and........and.............this is all fake.

    #801 April 7, 2018 10:23 pm
    The most thrilling story ever.When I was little I was afraid of toilets. They looked super tall and intimidating and I was always afraid they'd overflow and I'd drown. I even had a dream about being trapped in ... chizaman


    JiKookieLuv April 7, 2018 10:44 pm

    We had gotten two miniature schnauzers from my mother's cousin around 4 years ago and everything was going great, around 8 months later we got another dog from my mother's cousin's second litter, they were all siblings and had the same parents. Later on their immune systems were weakened by our neighbors pool medicine (which can be toxic to dogs) and they soon contracted parvo. The only girl died and we were heart broken, but for a while my mother and other members of my family would mention seeing a white dog (she was the only white one) or a strak of white running around in our backyard, or we'd see something white our of the corner of our eyes dart from one place to another. One night I had gone to my mother's room to ask her when dad had let the dogs out of my room because sometimes he gates them into our rooms and they sleep on the floor and very rarely onto the bed if we give permission. I figured he'd let them in early in the morning and let them out at some point. My mom looked at me weird and said that he never let them in my room early in the morning or at night and that they spent the day with my sister. I just remembered being half asleep and the feeling of a dog standing with their front paws on the bed to maintain balance, you can feel it because they paw at the bed as asking permission to be let on. So if the boys (our male dogs) weren't in my room while I was sleeping trying to ask to get on my bed what was? My mom had said it was probably the dog that died and that we shouldn't be too scared. My dead dog would ask for permission to sleep on the bed and cuddle in the middle of the night or early mornings, it was weird at times. I kept thinking one of the boys was in the room asking to get on and when I checked there was no dog there. These events happened for about a year or two and I only know remember them now when thinking about scary or thrilling things that happened to me. Id like to think she was in a way telling us she was fine and still acted like she always did even when dead. Running around in the backyard and wanting to snuggle in bed. It's been a few years and nothing has happened for a long time her brothers sleep with me every morning in bed, when my father goes to work he'll put them in early in the morning and we'll cuddle and sleep. I think she's moved on to somewhere else, we haven't had anything happen like that in years. So yeah this was super long so apologies and hope my writing makes sense.

    Anonymous April 8, 2018 12:49 am

    I logged out, kinda embarrassed to say this.....
    When I was little I was abducted by aliens. I don't remember much, just my sister tugging at my leg and screaming for me to wake up. When I realized what was going on I was under my bed and had dried blood on my face, like a bloody nose but it had stopped. My sister said I got up from the sofa to go to the bathroom and when it had been a while she went to check on me but she couldn't find me. She said she looked all over the house and yard, I was missing for 4 hours by the time she found me.
    For a while after that I would have headaches and nose bleeds but since I've gotten older they have stopped. Although I did have a vivid dream a few months ago, where they said they wouldn't mess with me anymore

    .kouen April 8, 2018 2:25 am
    I logged out, kinda embarrassed to say this.....When I was little I was abducted by aliens. I don't remember much, just my sister tugging at my leg and screaming for me to wake up. When I realized what was goin... @Anonymous

    wow. . your story gave me goosebumps. . as for me. . when i was a kid . . me and my brother had a habit of scaring each other . sometimes he'll hide on my cabinet and surprise me. . then one day, i was alone in our room. and the family'd outeide, our kitchen i kinda detached, then i hear a rustling ound under my bed, itd high in the afternoon so im not scared , and im do sure my brother is playing tricks on me again. . so i called out to him that he's busted , so he can give up and come out. . but he won't , so i went under the bed and looked under, and what i've found was. not my brother of course, but a baby kid, naked, and looking up at me. . we stared for a few seconds then run out of our house with silent scream.

    Succubus April 8, 2018 6:35 pm

    I really liked all of the stories especially the toilet one lol,so i'll tell you mine. I really wanted to tell this story to someone for a long time but i didn't want anyone to know who was this about and here i'm practically anonymous that's why i invented this game.
    So basically this story happened around 2-3 months ago. I was at my relative's and like since i was a kid i've been always really close to them and thought that they for each other were really close. We were having a dinner and my father's brother's son and his sister were acting kind of strange. The boy's face was really pale and the girl was ignoring him.
    After the dinner i asked the girl what happened. She said nothing was wrong. Then i asked the guy the same and he said he had a fight with the girl he liked.
    Those answers made me really suspicious. So it was already dark outside and I saw those two arguing about something then i saw the guy grabbed his sister's arm and took her in the backyard.
    Guess what I did. YEAH OBVIOUSLY, I followed them. The girl was saying something like "i told you i'm not doing it ever again" abd her brother was like "but you were the one who came onto me first" and she answered "i was really drunk and it was only one time forget it" (i don't clearly remember all of the conversation though, i wasn't able to fully hear) and the guy just snapped and gripped the girl's neck and kissed her forcefully. I don't know why but i didn't do anything . I just don't know, that incest thing really fires me up in every way you can imagine and now it was happening in front of my eyes (it was pretty dark though) Isn't that just FUCKING UNREAL?!

    chizaman April 8, 2018 6:43 pm
    I really liked all of the stories especially the toilet one lol,so i'll tell you mine. I really wanted to tell this story to someone for a long time but i didn't want anyone to know who was this about and here ... Succubus


    Succubus April 8, 2018 7:13 pm
    Aww... chizaman