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like.. wtf??

souleater98 April 5, 2018 3:15 pm

I just really don't like siwon anymore.. he's just so selfish and annoying with the way he acts and treats Jinha, like I don't understand why he can't fuckin' talk to him like a normal human being? he's literally talking calmly to the person right now that exposed him to the whole fucking school and made him cry / sexually harrased him, yet he still didn't manage to speak a fucking word with his now ex boyfriend.. wtf???( ̄∇ ̄")

    Tip April 5, 2018 3:24 pm

    I agree at this point he deserves whatever he gets... this is reminding me of lover boy which I had to stop reading for similar reasons... this is no longer my favorite story

    idkyolo April 5, 2018 3:27 pm

    If you look at it from the other side though, what happens every time Siwon DOES try to talk to Jinha? The whole time every time Siwon tries to calmly talk to Jinha, Jinha says nothing. If Siwon asked him "What's wrong? Why are you being like this?" Jinha always said something like "I can't tell you" or says nothing at all and is just angry and violent.

    Tip April 5, 2018 3:45 pm

    @idkyolo so what is your point? Yes communication is fucked but the uke have no will what so ever if he cared or loved Jinha he wouldn't be easily swayed or manipulated.

    waria April 5, 2018 4:10 pm
    @idkyolo so what is your point? Yes communication is fucked but the uke have no will what so ever if he cared or loved Jinha he wouldn't be easily swayed or manipulated. Tip

    I don't think it's that simple, in reality as well if a guy/gal got caught being 'out of the closet' when they're still figuring things out he/she would probably waver too no matter how much they love each other.