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The risks and dangerosity of that kind of content

YaoiSanctuary April 3, 2018 12:07 pm

That's not because there's not adult there or raper/abuse that it makes it better. In the contrary, the trap is here.
In its diversity involving con and nocon, Shota is also portraying pairs of small kids who are doing the sexual stuffs as if kiddos are doing naturally that sort of extrem stuffs. It's a well known device and tool constantly used by the pedophiles to justify their penchants.
It help suppress the guilt of the watchers/predators who have those pulsions and make the scene looks as it it's normal, makes it look like children are like that. This way, adults can lay their hands on them more easily, at least in the head of those individuals.

While we can agree that kiddies have their own sexuality, it has nothing to do with THAT KIND of very adult and pornesque sexuality. And in all cases, their sexuality concerns no one else than themselves and should be seen as it.

Some readers are aware that Shota/porn child is fiction, while others pedobears will exploit that trait to justify their pulsions, while it can also deform the vision of the younger/influencable ones on children by presenting them deformed images of child porn. This is the dangerosity of contents involving kiddos, whatever they're Shota or (real) porn. The people who are producing those are mentally sick (or their mental is very questionable) and are using all kinds of mechanisms to manipulate or ease the watchers's mental.

As a human, if someone enjoy to read adult content and if they can produce it, they'll do. What the fuck would they produce contents involving kiddos while they have O interest in that and see it as unhealthy?
In the extrem other side, if someone is enjoyng watching child porn and can produce it, they will stick to that kind of content, too. And readers are not different from that.

PS : I will not reply to the comments, I've said enough on that topic and I'm tired.

If you're furious or disagree, please have the decensy to provide arguments, and not plain insults or personal attacks as we already saw here.
