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I'm so pleased

akleepart March 29, 2018 4:44 am

I love sensei's work sooo so so so much. And I was getting a little bit sad with this one. Sooo so much potential, and it felt like it was just flailing around with no purpose, no direction, and nothing. And now, these last couple chapters we finally have some proper direction and development and then, suddenly.....SEKE AND PLOT. Together. Not to mention That beautiful shot of Yuri. Ahhhhhh. Her art is just amazing. Oh mylanta. Although I can only imagine YacchanxTamura and KashimaxToono so I hope we see that develop but....there's a lot of characters so who knows.

Also, I'm pumped for the anime, I hope they will also consider Escape Journey (wish that one was actually the one they had chosen)
