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fucking hell

souleater98 March 26, 2018 2:13 pm

tbh I never liked Jiho from the start but he's a fucking piece of trash, like wtf killing a friend of yours while he was trying to help you?! he fucking needs to calm his sorry ass and stop whining around like a little bitch! if he wants to be different then start working on it and stop pittying yourself and shove all the fault onto your friends just because they're different from you, vasco and all the others didn't get strong without any effort like he thinks they did! vasco is training day and night for example and that's why he's so fucking impressive! this little runt makes me so angry (if you couldn't tell so far) I hope he gets a nice beating from the others and ends up in jail for potential murder. ヽ(`Д´)ノ

    Anonymous March 27, 2018 12:36 am

    And does he KNOW this sweetcheeks? I mean Hyungsuk got his body precisely WITHOUT putting effort into it. Or did you miss that part of the story, when it was only like 99.99% of the ENTIRE story.

    Seriously way to miss the point of the manwha, too. You're saying looks DO count. Which also betrays your hypocrisy. Since, if looks DO count, then he has every REASON to complain about it. The exact OPPOSITE of what YOU'RE saying. Oops?

    souleater98 March 27, 2018 7:18 am
    And does he KNOW this sweetcheeks? I mean Hyungsuk got his body precisely WITHOUT putting effort into it. Or did you miss that part of the story, when it was only like 99.99% of the ENTIRE story. Seriously way ... @Anonymous

    first of all, I never stated that looks do matter yet I'm well aware that here in the story and in real life people that look better will get treated better. he wanted to be like them though but never actually put the effort into it to try and change himself. if he wants to be different then he has to give it his all. I do know that it's not easy to change yourself so that you're happy with who you are but just giving up won't get you anywhere either.

    second, I'm also aware that hyungsuk got that second body without any effort and I didn't deny that fact, I brought up vasco which trains day and night for his body to be in shape like that and I do believe that if he wouldn't do so much for it he wouldn't be looking like that either.

    thrid, even if you feel like he has the right to slash people with knives and push them out of windows just becasue he doesn't look as good as the others and has these thoughts about the others not being his friends even though they helped him with getting back his account (which he lost because of his stupidness, and vasco even got the living shit beaten out of him) and would help him any time if he'd ask for it. he was also confronted with the fact in chapter 166 that yes 'Zack' might have done him wrong at some points and he also didn't deny that fact "I have no excuses" yet he himself also never tried to be a friend towards them/never tried to befriend them as quoted "you never thought of us as friends either, did you?" he always looked at them in some kind of calculated way so that he'd get profit out of being with them.

    finally, I think even though he might have had and will have rough times in the future it doesn't justify him pushing hyungsuk and the other guy out of the window because that is definitely potential murder, no matter how angry he might be in that moment killing someone for the simple fact that he thinks it's unfair is wrong. hyungsuk never did him any wrong and he only wanted to help him in that situation.

    everyone has a different opinion reading this manwha and I'll be interested to listen to your point of view and if I did maybe misunderstand something I won't mind it if you'll explain it to me but I would hope for you to do it in a bit more of a friendly manner. All in all for how I took in the story, Jiho is for me an unlikable character.