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I'm looking for a shoujo, harem manga!

Drkngl March 25, 2018 8:49 pm

I have seen this manga but I didn't remember the name. The plot is : one girl who is saying bad words for the king/prince. Suddenly the same king/prince taking this girl in his harem. While all the girls in the harem adore the king/prince, this girl is the only one who plays it hard to get.But is the only one who has king's/prince's attention. I remember a scene that prince/king introduces this girl to his mother. Note: I don't remember if it was a king or a prince. Please tell me the title

    Nakbin March 25, 2018 9:01 pm

    I'm pretty sure is this one...

    上品な猫 March 25, 2018 9:02 pm

    Sabaku no harem

    Drkngl March 25, 2018 9:24 pm
    I'm pretty sure is this one... Nakbin

    Thank you very much! You gave me the best present for my name day! Ive been looking for this manga since summer

    Drkngl March 25, 2018 9:25 pm
    I'm pretty sure is this one... Nakbin

    Thank you very much! You gave me the best present for my name day! Ive been looking for this manga since summer.

    Nakbin March 26, 2018 2:20 pm

    You're welcome (≧∀≦)