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Takano san March 23, 2018 1:09 am

Siwon may be scared for being outed etc... not denying that legitimate feeling BUT to go outside to speak to the dude who actually posted that pic and blushing (under the umbrella e e e no less)and trying to understand that psycho and being so careless as to be kissed in the street! While the person you claim to love gets zilch from you! It seriously looks like he didn’t believe Jinha that chinese dude was the culprit. This is why Siwon is no damn good. Everyone should Read manhwa Drip Drip- really nice story and mcs communicate and treat each other respectfully.

    Megun March 23, 2018 1:32 am

    I don't think he was blushing because he liked him. As you know he just got done crying so his face was probably red and he was shocked to see him. I don't think Go Siwon would cheat butttttt JUST WAIT HE NOT GO TOUCH MY BEAN LIKE THAT.

    Akari March 23, 2018 2:14 am

    Pretty sure that was an angry flush and not a bashful blush. Lots of people's faces turn red when they get mad.

    MissJenny March 23, 2018 3:50 am

    I haven't kept up with it, but All About Lust webcomic also has great communication, so much so it's refreshing~