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I'm a bit worried

souleater98 March 20, 2018 8:10 am

I'm super proud of him to confess his feelings but to me it seems like the doctor doesn't really consider them properly.. I think he acccepted the confession because he'd be able to look over him and wouldn't have to be worried like when he'd go out with a totally different person, to me it seems like he agreed not because he loves him in the same way but because he wants him to be save (wanting him to be save isn't a bad thing but not taking his love seriously is very hurtful) ╥﹏╥

    bimblefrog March 20, 2018 8:35 am

    He’s keeping a zombie in his house illegally. If people found out he’d be expelled or killed. The last thing the doctor is thinking about is love. I totally understand his surprise at the confession - who would have though a zombie could still feel certain emotions after their body became living dead?

    but why March 30, 2018 2:32 am

    augh I agree completely... hopefully this was just a way to kickstart their relationship and the doctor will rlly start feeling smth for cinnamon roll soon :((