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Here's my case. I've read this dj, and I love the sex/rape scenes(yeah, I get it. I'm fuc...

MAKK August 1, 2013 11:41 am

Here's my case.

I've read this dj, and I love the sex/rape scenes(yeah, I get it. I'm fucked up. Okay, moving on). But obviously, I had no clue what the flying panties were all the "powers" all about.

Now that I finished the first season, I must say..

I caught the Hei fever. fuck<3

    MAKK August 1, 2013 11:46 am

    OMG. I just re-read the whole dj and I just realized that the blond dude who didn't kill Hei was November 11. :o

    Funny how his codename is the same as my birthdate. :D

    Eva Mark 06 July 16, 2017 11:22 pm
    OMG. I just re-read the whole dj and I just realized that the blond dude who didn't kill Hei was November 11. :o Funny how his codename is the same as my birthdate. :D @MAKK

    It's not November 11, it's Nick, the NASA guy who had the same powers as Hei