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dorishpp March 17, 2018 4:20 am

I think Mirai is trying so much to find love that he doesn't know how to get it!!! He doesn't know that when someone says they like you, you don't have to go out with them right away and don't listen to their dribble about loving you so much!!! That old guy should have been a shame of his self prying on a kid who you can tell is innocent, but that is what they do and Mirai is to naive to see a con artist talking about I love you just to have sex with you!!! I am glad that Hibiya stepped up to the plate cause I think from the beginning that Hibiya wasn't really understanding his feelings for Mirai and that is why he lashed out at Mrai's and his friends cause he wasn't sure about his feelings until the end!!! I am just happy that they are happy together!!! thx D
