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Yvia March 12, 2018 2:49 pm

Mhhh... I just feel so sorry for Nemu. Always being the one giving in because of being afraid to loose his partner. Insecurities suck. (I know that to well, guess lot of you do too) Though Maya doesn't really help Nemu to feel more confident in their relationship. (I do think your partner is also kind of responsible to gain more trust and confidence in a relationship) Maya loves Nemu but I feel like Maya needs to feel what Nemu always feels. Angst and pain. The balance in their relationship is totally off. Well if there ever was any balance tbh. I feel like Nemu is always on the short end of the stick. He kinda takes Nemu for granted. I love Maya and Nemu. Ruka totally pisses me off. And the next chapters will seriously piss me off probably. I don't know if I can handle more drama than there already is. I am probably going to wait until the crisis will be over. I don't see an end yet. I love the author (seems like she knows how to push my buttons which is quite a compliment to the author) and I always buying her works. But seriously I seriously hate that kind of drama storylines. I don't care if its Ruka or the old lady who'll be the trigger to the repeating drama but I feel someone must change their thinking and thats Maya. I kinda feel like crying. And my heart is kinda heavy. So weird. I will stop ranting now. Sorry!
