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a d v i c e

minhoe March 10, 2018 12:04 am

So a few weeks ago I was talking about this really cute idol I like with one of my close friends- out of nowhere she said "you're too much of a hetrosexual eW" (I am really straight to be fair but my friend is bi). Since then I've tried talking to her *but she seems snotty towards me now. I'm just beyond confused hELP

    Kookiechii March 10, 2018 12:00 am

    Uhhh I would say it’s a typical lgbt joke to straight people cause y’know for ‘right back at cha’ sake, but it seems like it not a joke to her if she’s showing you attitude? I can’t think of any reason for that except possibilities that’s shes heterophobic but I’ll likw to think she couldn’t cause she’s bi, It’s literally both hetero and homosexual.

    上品な猫 March 10, 2018 12:04 am

    I sympathize with you as I have a similar problem
    Most likely your friend is in love with you and tryies to keep a distance between you and herself .well are you sure nothing else happened like saying sth that irritated her? You should try and ask her properly what's going on ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    JunglePeach March 10, 2018 12:27 am

    haha maybe remind her that just as you accept her interests she should be respectful of yours. Despite being part of the LGBT community she should know better than to act this way towards anyone else no matter what they are into.
    ....or be petty and the next time she shows you someone shes into say "Why am I not surprised ;^)

    miusaski March 10, 2018 3:45 am

    you could talk it out with her ?? maybe its gay culture but they like to poke and tease but unless she said it with real displeasure in her voice then she probably just said it as a joke. theres a couple outcomes for this as 1) you could talk it out with her and be like hey whyd you say that i'd like to sort things out or 2) you could just be petty and be like hehehehe guess you're hella gay then as well or 3) just don't talk to her about that kind of stuff again, if you wanna keep her as a friend. if not, keep your distance and don't be too petty over things