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I have the WEIRDEST feeling tnat I have read this a long time ago And it's creeping me out...

melkeigo March 7, 2018 11:46 pm

I have the WEIRDEST feeling tnat I have read this a long time ago
And it's creeping me out lol
But so far I really enjoyed the story

    YamadaSux March 27, 2018 1:09 am

    steps to staying alive in this situation
    1. observe your surroundings
    2. do you spot Yamada anywhere in your room? If the answer is yes then proceed. If no, relax- it's probably your imagination.
    3. RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, if not possible in your situation, please proceed with steps.
    4. act quickly, you have two choices! If you want to live- prostrate yourself and beg for forgiveness about anything you might've done to anger Yamada recently (ex. ate the last oreo, ate all the oreos, framed him for murder)! If you have a death wish- tie him down and put bows in his hair.
    5. thank you for following this instructional survival pamphlet, in case of survival, please tell us how we can improve this pamphlet to postpone your imminent slow and unusual death.