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are there anyone out there who is in med school ? health studies ? I'm really having a men...

Sekai March 7, 2018 9:17 am

are there anyone out there who is in med school ? health studies ?
I'm really having a mental breakdown cuz I don't understand any of the subjects
I'm not motivated anymore at this rate I don't know if I will pass or not

    Celty March 7, 2018 9:33 am

    Hi, well I am not in med school but I am studying an engineering and there are some times (lets be honest, most of the times) when I am feeling like I cant do it anymore, but you know, nothing in life is easy and if you like it I think you should go on. Spend more time studying, go to counseling, talk with people that are ahead of you in the career. And the most important, dont lose your motivation, remember why you started, and also take some time for you. We can do it!!

    star March 7, 2018 9:48 am

    hey hello there i am a 1st year medical student myself i can understand what you are saying very well i usually sleeps around 3 to 3:30 evry night & wake up by 7 .. its exhausting but nothing can be done since i chose it.. i cant remeber when was the last time i hang out with my friends.. i am not active in any social sites but only in mangago until i reach home after that i don't touch my phone anyway i find peace the mangas here motivate me a lot . btw my grades are good & since i come from a family of doctor & my elder sis is in 3rd year of the same college i get helped out a lot..And you should learn to sweet talk with the professors they came's handy aways at least in my case though. anyway cheer up hard work always pays off

    tetsukayuki March 7, 2018 2:09 pm

    hello there~ i was in the med school 2 years ago~ and now i pass the national exam and work at the hospital~ just study hard and you will be fine~ i think rather than the hobby, we must clear our future too.. so ganbatte~~~ (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ i give my self reward to not sleep after exam to previlage myself for study hard huahahahaha ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~