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Kyaaaaaaaaa!!!! It was soo *nosebleed* Cuuuuuuute!!! But the thing is tat it was cute you...

Miku-tan July 27, 2013 12:12 pm

Kyaaaaaaaaa!!!! It was soo *nosebleed*
Cuuuuuuute!!! But the thing is tat it was cute young boys (around ages 12-14) being done to! So unfair!!!!! But tats wat I like about it!!!! I love it when there is a cue lil boy n a hot.... Yeah u don't need to know!

    Naa Kun July 28, 2013 11:17 am

    a hot seme or sex ?

    YAOI September 6, 2013 5:35 am

    Omg me too haha i think it's so cute, and
    That's true love omg i loved the ending i started craking up haha