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This is not about manga so

Mark Lorenz February 17, 2018 2:58 pm

I've been having problems about anger management.. I'm a short tempered person.. When I get hot headed I often slam doors, stomp my feet etc.. sometimes I get to the level where I throw things.. I want to get rid of that part of me but.. I dunno Sometimes I can't control myself.. How can I slowly change?

    Nao Ren February 17, 2018 3:21 pm

    I have the same problem, altho this is not a solution, but to keep myself from hurting others/throwing things around I bite my hand because the pain helps me clear my head. I do not suggest you do the same.

    kythera February 17, 2018 3:46 pm

    I'm not sure if this will help but whenever I'm frustrated I imagine destroying things in my mind. Like picturing myself knocking a building down and watching it crumble. Or it could be little things like throwing an imaginary vase on the ground and watching it shatter. Somehow that seems to release something in mind.
    Also exercise helps. If I'm feeling stressed I go running or biking. Hope that helps

    Nao Ren February 17, 2018 3:54 pm
    I'm not sure if this will help but whenever I'm frustrated I imagine destroying things in my mind. Like picturing myself knocking a building down and watching it crumble. Or it could be little things like thr... kythera

    Imagining did not help me, it did it for real cuz I lost my sense but yes exercise helps a lot. I started martial arts and it helps me both psychically and mentally

    Tara Dikov February 17, 2018 5:57 pm

    Are you a teen? When I was a teen I had anger management issues and could rarely get anything go. Hormones probably are one of the reasons why. I mellowed out as I got older but still had angry times plus anxiety plus depression... all that good stuff. What helped me, honestly were meds, someone to talk to (not a therapist for me, though. It's hard to find a good one where I live), and the SoL channel on YT.

    Mark Lorenz February 18, 2018 5:24 am
    Are you a teen? When I was a teen I had anger management issues and could rarely get anything go. Hormones probably are one of the reasons why. I mellowed out as I got older but still had angry times plus anxie... Tara Dikov

    No.. I'm ashamed but I just turned 21 ╥﹏╥ I guess the things I do when I get hot headed are childish and immature.. godd I have to get rid of those habits.

    Mark Lorenz February 18, 2018 5:25 am
    I have the same problem, altho this is not a solution, but to keep myself from hurting others/throwing things around I bite my hand because the pain helps me clear my head. I do not suggest you do the same. Nao Ren

    I guess that's worth a try