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This is for pedophiles who enjoys watching children fuck what’s wrong with some of you p...

Anonymous February 15, 2018 11:33 pm

This is for pedophiles who enjoys watching children fuck what’s wrong with some of you people you do understand this is technically child pornography and can be charged for reading stuff like this your ip’s aren’t private

    LOLOLOLO April 3, 2018 5:55 am
    If you think that my language is affecting others, I wonder what do you think about the language of Salty, for exemple? Can you be fair on that? I'll be very interested to know. I hope you'll give me some plaus... YaoiSanctuary

    I agree with you

    LOLOLOLO April 3, 2018 5:56 am
    If you think that my language is affecting others, I wonder what do you think about the language of Salty, for exemple? Can you be fair on that? I'll be very interested to know. I hope you'll give me some plaus... YaoiSanctuary

    I agree with you

    YaoiSanctuary April 3, 2018 9:12 am
    What about Salt's language? I personally find it distasteful, and I don't think anyone should argue like that. But what now? You want me to ask him to apologize?Stigmas against pedophiles, you're exactly right,... iSexy

    LOL.Did anyone asked for Salty to apologize? How do you know that it's a "him" and not "her"? Did Salty ever know to apologize when he can speak like that to people, making personal attacks to people he doesn't even know?
    I just wanted to know if you can be fair and see that the other party was also not innocent (and rather, worse) but the way you replied is funny; you're making excuses for your little fellow and are even arrogant. You're an"outsider"? Let me have a good laugh.

    What did you mean by "the end of 2006, the world has come to accept..." accept what??!
    Gay marriage?
    Donald Trump?
    Know that I'm not against gay marriage or gay rights, they're adults. But it is another thing for child porn and the medias related to it.

    In the end, again, you're agree to what I say, but "but"... Lol. In this kind of discussion, it's funny to be like you. I will never understand people who share mitigatede view on such topic.What you're doing will not help neither the victims nor the perpetrators of such actions. What should do the pedophiles is to seek help, not to be kept in their fantasies by nourrishing the medias that produce such content.
    You think you will help the pedophiles who have that kind of fantasies by telling them :" no, you're do nothing wrong, stick to your Shota and pedo movies"? Really?
    The only thing those individuals can do is to either hide themselves well or go to get help. The rest like you can just Shut Up. Or do you want to be their accomplice?
    When a kid's life broken, it is really broken, to overcome this kind of abuse is really tough. Some committed suicide or mess their life in purpose after enduring such SHAME.
    The world can't afford to not be clear on that.

    So yes, you can have your little Shota in the dark, but to defend it like you do is wrong, wrong, WRONG. You can defend better causes than Shota pedo porn I'm sure.
    I personally know a girl, teen, she's 17 now but she was raped and threatened by her grand father when she was 13. Her family threatened her and asked her to keep silence on the abuse. We knew nothing and couldn't help her since the family kept absolute silence. She moved away from the family and was placed under governmental protection.
    The case will be soon judged in tribunal and the grand father is expected to be jailed for life. In this case it is not only pedophilia but also incest.

    Go tell her that keeping Shota or child porn for the pedos is the right thing to do.

    I'm certainly not the one who provoke you, but yeah I will not let you say whatever you want in defense of that topic.

    YaoiSanctuary April 3, 2018 9:16 am
    I agree with you LOLOLOLO

    Okay, thanks. And...?

    imbecile testicles April 3, 2018 9:31 am

    I'm not really surprised by these brainwashed delusional people since I saw a long time ago posts in Tumblr about pedophilia and how it should be treated equally as the lgbtq and have it's own rights and how love is love and all that bullshit, funny how that 'iSexy' user is comparing homophobes to people against shota, homophobic people are those who are against gay people, gay people are two consenting adults, while shotacon is child porn that's targeted at pedophiles, pedophiles are child predators, I mean if you want to watch shota that's up to you and your morals Wich will eventually lead to the real thing, but don't try to normalize it and make it comparable to gay people and the lgbtq and identify it as a taste that should be respected , don't be a fool, don't be like those people who are too blinded by liberty and freedom they can't even distinguish between freedom and crimes anymore.

    YaoiSanctuary April 3, 2018 10:51 am
    I'm not really surprised by these brainwashed delusional people since I saw a long time ago posts in Tumblr about pedophilia and how it should be treated equally as the lgbtq and have it's own rights and how lo... imbecile testicles

    Haa, agree. Couldn't say it better... I'm getting tired, honestly. It seems that we're not the same specie of humans when speaking to those people lol.

    And let's not forget the thing with inter family marriage, incest and zoophilia. OMG.

    imbecile testicles April 3, 2018 11:57 am
    Haa, agree. Couldn't say it better... I'm getting tired, honestly. It seems that we're not the same specie of humans when speaking to those people lol.And let's not forget the thing with inter family marriage, ... YaoiSanctuary

    ikr, I usually tend to avoid threads like this, because most of these people are too entitled with their wrong opinions they won't even listen to you, and arguing with them usually leads to a dead end, but I couldn't help but interfere because of these stupid people disgusting vulgar way of replying to defend and normalize this shit it was just too much lol. and I also live in a region where cousin marriage is legal and even some of my relatives and neighbours are cousins and married, it amazes me how people blindly follow some stuff just because of traditions without even thinking about the whole thing, when I was younger around 9 years old or something my family would say I would marry my cousin in future and ship me with him, like wtf ew, why are they even discussing marriage with a child, sadly that's very common and normal where I live, they're corrupting children to incestuous marriages. it's just a never ending cycle of brianwashing, some normalize child porn in the name of freedom and other normalize incest in the name of traditions, people can be really weird, sigh.

    YaoiSanctuary April 3, 2018 2:03 pm
    ikr, I usually tend to avoid threads like this, because most of these people are too entitled with their wrong opinions they won't even listen to you, and arguing with them usually leads to a dead end, but I co... imbecile testicles

    Right... Most of the time there's simply nothing to do face to that type of content and the crazyness of their fans. Like you said, it leads to a dead end; it's like speaking to a wall basically. Sites like MRM are becoming a vitrine for Shota and extreme stuffs like tentacles/SM etc, but I believe that Mangago is still a place for the grand public (too) and we can still do something to prevent it to become like MRM and others. Though I can't garantee that things will remain like this forever, especially if readers who are against Shota don't speak in the name of "freedom"...
    Thank you for not ignoring us, you were badass :D I believe that there are more people than us who are against these mangas, but they don't dare to speak or just don't bother.

    As I thought, you're a sane esprit who are not afraid to speak, I like people like this because it's a rare quality nowadays. There must be quite many regions in the world where marriage between cousins isn't forbidden and is practiced as traditions. Our elders did that too, till the last decades... While we can think that marriage of second and third degree and far cousins can get married if really they want it and are not sharing the same grandparents, things can get complicated if they're close cousins, regarding the health of the offsprings... Though yes, some traditions need to be changed, while some moral absolutely need to be preserved.
    And about that last point, I'm pessimistic for the futur.
    Just after the legalization of gay marriage in France and other parts in Europe, the Zeta association for bestiality (Germany) wanted to legalize zoophilia in Germany... Really... Our society's becoming more and more fucked up, day by day, and there's not doubt that Internet has its role to play in that.

    Ha, about MRM, I went there because there are nice yaoi in JP, like the one of Pistachio. The drawing is absolutely gorgeous and the pairing so cute. Did you see it?

    LOLOLOLO April 3, 2018 2:22 pm
    Okay, thanks. And...? YaoiSanctuary

    And What? I agreed what you said. Or what did you expect something negative from me?

    imbecile testicles April 3, 2018 2:54 pm
    Right... Most of the time there's simply nothing to do face to that type of content and the crazyness of their fans. Like you said, it leads to a dead end; it's like speaking to a wall basically. Sites like MRM... YaoiSanctuary

    There's alot of people that i have seen here that are against that shotacon and zoophiliac part of mangago but most of them decide to not speak up due to how aggressive some people here are, like you said it feels like talking to a wall, all the arguments that I had eventually changed to a competition to prove who's wrong without even listening to my point of views, I really wish that mangago would take these stuff down it's not like this is the only place that has shota, there's sites especially made for that, I prefer to not accidentally stumble into these mangas or such people like that, but hey! at least I've encountered such a pleasant person like you :D, I admire your way of talking and proving statements without actually bashing on people and using curses which is a rare thing here, it's great to see such a good person here after all these aggressive people that I've stumbled into, and I never knew about that zoophilia and Germany thing? Like really that's extremely bizzare and disturbing, I wonder what's wrong with these people? How could a person end up with such mindset? Jesus. and nope I haven't really seen that pistachio thing since I don't really visit mrm that much but I'll definitely check it out, again im really glad to have encountered a great person like you, stay awesome!

    YaoiSanctuary April 3, 2018 3:05 pm
    And What? I agreed what you said. Or what did you expect something negative from me? LOLOLOLO

    I thought you were ironical quite a bit and would like some development from your point of view ^^ That's all. That's good then. Have a nice day.

    iSexy April 3, 2018 3:53 pm

    As I said, I have nothing to say about Salt, their language is distasteful and they shouldn't have answered like that, even if it was in response to your initial language. Also I get what you're asking me but why should I do that? To be fair in your eyes? That is your own battle, don't make me fight it for you. You fail to understand that I really find their argument irrelevant. I used him because it's I'm used doing it in my native language but I haven't really been thinking about their sex.

    2006 is the year when they passed the law about internet pornography and it included a note about material pertinent to shota.
    I think my position is grounded. What I'm doing is helping both parties: a more positive attitude would encourage people to seek help, lower stigma has been associated with increase in therapies, not only for pedophilia. Pedos should seek help according to their own will since you can't force someone to go to therapy, what I'm seeking is to make it easier for them by calling out hateful speakers who teat them indiscriminately as criminals even when they haven't done anything.
    For the victims of abuse, I truly hope you can be served justice and find some serenity in it, if you need help in my country there are consultories and support groups of many kind, all completely free of access and with maximum privacy. I hope you're can find the strength to talk about it.

    I think telling her anything about shota would only bring her pain, so why would I do that? You're diving into anedoctals and asking me not to do that same. If I ever wan't to talk to her about this topic I would start slowly by asking her opinion on intention and action of pedophiles and work from there.

    YaoiSanctuary April 3, 2018 4:43 pm
    As I said, I have nothing to say about Salt, their language is distasteful and they shouldn't have answered like that, even if it was in response to your initial language. Also I get what you're asking me but w... iSexy

    .......... And my way of speaking was itself a response to another way of speaking who was rude lol. Why don't you check it before speaking? Does this justify the way of speaking of Salty and the fact that she makes personal attacks on people like that?
    Seems that no one here in our side made attacks like that on others, aside that person.
    Dear Lord, no one ever asked you to fight for anyone, lol. I just question your fairness, which you still fail and fail to provide me lol.

    Btw, I don't need any help of that kind, this story of abuse was not about me, but about that teen girl I mentioned. And I live in France, where victims can get all the help they need, I don't know why you're saying all this.

    Can you provide us the article you read about the Law in 2006 and the article speaking about Shota, please? and I mean the precise passage, not an article of 50 and more pages. Since you've read it, you must remember well where it is, right?
    Even this, do you find it is a good readon to see spreading Shota and pedophilia spreading like this? You're definitely proving that you're insane here, sorry to say.

    LOLOLOLO April 3, 2018 7:01 pm
    I thought you were ironical quite a bit and would like some development from your point of view ^^ That's all. That's good then. Have a nice day. YaoiSanctuary

    It's okay ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

    iSexy April 3, 2018 10:07 pm

    Third time: she shouldn't have answered like that, insults immediately make you look like a fool and pretty much invalidates anything you're saying. Does that finally make you understand about my position towards her opinion? Also towards yours since you answered in the same way. It seems like a big "but he started it!" in my eyes. It doesn't matter if there's no one on this topic on my side, you are still wrong.

    Art. 600 quater of Codice Penale defines the material, the Corte Suprema di Cassazione (Sez. III, Sentence n. 22265/2017) furthered the discussion. There are standards in what is considered pedopornography (mainly and most relevant in this: realism), this is because the law, is at first, made to prevent and protect minors from engaging in sexual behaviour.

    YaoiSanctuary April 3, 2018 11:02 pm
    Third time: she shouldn't have answered like that, insults immediately make you look like a fool and pretty much invalidates anything you're saying. Does that finally make you understand about my position towar... iSexy

    Where did you see me insulting her or make personal attacks on her? The same way?
    Please reread well the exchanges of Salty and after, compare them with mine and come again. The thing is that even someone from your side complained about her behavior, not mine. You're not honest here.

    I asked for a link, a valid link, not some vague extrait, and not from your country, obviously. You know, some international law, not just Italy or US. I'll wonder if I'm speaking with a person with the intellectual capacities to discuss about this matter.

    I will not commenting also on the fact that for hours now, you're trying to defend and normalize Shota and pedo pornography, but that... you need to understand that you're wrong, which it is not the case. Can you tell us why you're defending such thing with arm and teeth, please?

    iSexy April 3, 2018 11:43 pm

    You're right, I confused you with testicles. I'm sorry about that.

    I gave you the precise law of 2006 like you asked, it's not my fault you suddenly find it not suitable(?). While there are Children's Right sections in international law, pedophilia is discussed in national and regional level, thus why I invited people to always check their own legislation.

    I'm not normalizing actual pedopornography. I told you already why I'm doing this.

    iSexy April 4, 2018 12:22 am

    Mm, I'm not really satisfied so I correct myself: while the initial backlash was from testicles, as I said you stepped down to her level when you called her idiot, crazy bitch, sick and the general antagonistic tone. Even if you justify yourself saying that you weren't as vulgar as her, I assure you that it's enough to offput anyone.

    YaoiSanctuary April 4, 2018 9:38 am
    Mm, I'm not really satisfied so I correct myself: while the initial backlash was from testicles, as I said you stepped down to her level when you called her idiot, crazy bitch, sick and the general antagonistic... iSexy

    Still here? Does anyone pay you to spend so much time like this?
    "I'm not really satisfied, so I correct myself..." haha. So I hope you're satisfied, now.

    I've made my own researchs, and it's not like you told at all. You want to make it look like it's a common decision from all countries to accept Shota but it's not.
    In fact, each country and State has its own law and rule about that particular subject. Even in the US the laws for child porn and things like comics aren't the same at all in each State, same things in Europe, just check the Wiki related to that topic. In conclusion, Shota and Lolycon and other types of material equivalent to this are still in the GRAY ZONE, in some countries you get jailed for years for the possession and reproduction of such material, real or drawn. In others, it's the reproduction of such content, in others it's the "realism" of the images. Over all, and du to the Internet and the massise flux which circulates in it, the governments adjusted but it's still a sensible topic, and each case of pedophilia involving the possession of even 2D images needs to be judged carefully.
    In the coming years, the laws making might ban completely fictional material like Shota.

    That's why you couldn't give me a proper response nor link about that, and told me to "check the legislation of my region" in the end, Lol. Where's coming your assurance that "the world has come to accept..." things like that)?
    Do you just take people for foods? Didn't you think I could make my own researchs on that?
    I don't know why you lied like this and tried desperately to make Shota like it's normalized and even "accepted" Lol. Yes, normalizing it is exactly what you're trying to do. I'm coming to the conclusions that you can't carry a honest discussion. Also, you're not clear about Shota or child porn, you look more and more to me like a weird specimen.

    When I asked you if you could tell to that teen girl who got violated by her own grandfather if keeping things like Shota for the pedophiles is the right thing to do, I told you "go", means "can you possibly tell". And you replied "why would I go?". You didn't understand the meaning of my question.
    You surely know Linkin Park and its ex singer, the very talented and beautiful being Chester Benington. Chester committed suicide last year because he was a victim of pedophilia in his childhood. The culprit was a friend of his father. He could never overcome the traumatism of the sexual abuse he went through; he did drugs, had a successful life with millions of fans, but couldn't overcome his past trauma.
    Finally, he put an end to his suffering and the shame of being violated. Such loss for Art and music, the world, such sadness and drame. Even today it's so tough to admit he's die, and for that reason.

    So for Salty and the kind like you, when you defend arm and teeth something as disguting, insane and unhealthy as Shota, classified pedophilia, sorry but you're profoundly thoughtless and obviously don't know what you're doing. We told you numerous times already that's wrong to defend that.
    You lack of the EMPATHY to put yourself in the shoes of the suffering victims of pedophilia. Worse is that you seem to do it in the name of "Freedom of expression" and "respect of tastes". I hope for you to know that your "taste" cost a lot to the world, cost human lives and breaks human dignity.
    Yes, you should be ashamed for even thinking of defending it.

    Lastly, I have no more to say to you, a dishonest and liar, btw. If you still have something to claim or complain after all that, suits you fine, you're hopeless. You'll be the best listener for yourself.