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This is for pedophiles who enjoys watching children fuck what’s wrong with some of you p...

Anonymous February 15, 2018 11:33 pm

This is for pedophiles who enjoys watching children fuck what’s wrong with some of you people you do understand this is technically child pornography and can be charged for reading stuff like this your ip’s aren’t private

    Salt April 1, 2018 11:38 pm
    That idiot défend Shota as if her life depends on that genre. A crazy bitch.What's so nice to fap to child porn, anyway? YaoiSanctuary

    Thanks! Oh, and it gives pleasure, doll

    Anonymous April 1, 2018 11:49 pm
    Thanks! Oh, and it gives pleasure, doll @Salt

    Dude, chill out. I like Shota too but why are you using that vocabulary and even bothering with these people?

    Salt April 1, 2018 11:56 pm
    Dude, chill out. I like Shota too but why are you using that vocabulary and even bothering with these people? @Anonymous

    Actually I don’t really care for Shota. I’m just saying this stuff and keep commenting because these people are taking this too far. They can’t get over the fact that other people like different stuff than them, and I respect that, but what I don’t respect is the fact that they are disgracing other people for what they enjoy. It’s kind of pathetic in a way and even though I don’t like Shota that much, I don’t like people like this even more. I hate how they have no respect for anyone without knowing them and make assumptions. They assume I like Shota and I just went along with it because it’s funny to see their arrogance in action. Then using words like “masturbate” and “fap” is vulgar so I return the favor by saying they do the same thing because they make it sound like they don’t. Sorry for offending you though.

    YaoiSanctuary April 2, 2018 12:19 am
    Dude, chill out. I like Shota too but why are you using that vocabulary and even bothering with these people? @Anonymous

    "These people"... lol. Then how should we call the Shota loyers, I wonder...?

    Can you explain us the mechanism behind which it is so good and exciting to see kids doing sexual intercourses with each other, please? Cause I don't get it.

    Salt April 2, 2018 12:33 am
    "These people"... lol. Then how should we call the Shota loyers, I wonder...?Can you explain us the mechanism behind which it is so good and exciting to see kids doing sexual intercourses with each other, pleas... YaoiSanctuary

    Did you ever hear me say it was “good” or “exciting”? I believe what I said was “pleasure” which clearly isn’t the same thing. And “these people” refers to nitpicky assholes like you. I’m demonstrating exactly what you’re doing. Hope you like your medicine, because there’s plenty more where that came from.

    YaoiSanctuary April 2, 2018 12:34 am
    Actually I don’t really care for Shota. I’m just saying this stuff and keep commenting because these people are taking this too far. They can’t get over the fact that other people like different stuff tha... @Salt

    Playing innocent, now, Salty?
    I don't see why someone who's not supposed to care much about Shota would spend so much time in disputs with others like you do here. Btw, reread your first intervention, which is just plain insult and vulgarity. Where's your good arguments?
    Where are your defense that you dislike or don't care about Shota? Where?
    And now you're crying innocent? Lmao!

    Btw, do you know what is the comment section made for? Use your brain. It's for whoever wants to comment, praise or complain, about something they've seen. Which means everyone has the right to express their opinion. Capige?

    YaoiSanctuary April 2, 2018 12:42 am
    Actually I don’t really care for Shota. I’m just saying this stuff and keep commenting because these people are taking this too far. They can’t get over the fact that other people like different stuff tha... @Salt

    I wonder, how do you know that everyone fap to Shota or Yaoi? Do you have some proofs? Maybe you always read Yaoi with a hand in your pants, but this is not the case for everybody. Don't confond your case for everybody else.

    Salt April 2, 2018 12:48 am
    Playing innocent, now, Salty?I don't see why someone who's not supposed to care much about Shota would spend so much time in disputs with others like you do here. Btw, reread your first intervention, which is j... YaoiSanctuary

    Who said I was playing innocent? I wasn’t even talking to you! I was saying vulgarity because I was repeating exactly what I saw from you. You were vulgar in your own way and I delivered to make sure someone would do the same to spite you. Everyone does have their own opinion, but that doesn’t give you the right to be a bitch about it. You say I need good arguments? Dear cunt, where is yours? You do nothing but scream pedophile whenever it’s just a fantasy and not even real life. There are REAL child predators out there that compare NOTHING to a simple story and drawings. It’s to give people who DO like it pleasure. You have to get out of your fantasies and realize that THIS IS A SITE FOR ALL and not just for people to hate on it. I can comment on your name to, “YaoiSanctuary” sanctuary meaning a safe place. What a joke your name is to give someone sanctuary. And comment and praise I will do. I PRAISE you for keeping up and showing how immature you are. I COMPLAIN about how much of a hypocrite you are. Your turn to comment, dear.

    YaoiSanctuary April 2, 2018 12:51 am
    Did you ever hear me say it was “good” or “exciting”? I believe what I said was “pleasure” which clearly isn’t the same thing. And “these people” refers to nitpicky assholes like you. I’m de... @Salt

    The only one who needs that medicine to cure that type of sickness of yours is you, dear Salty.
    And if you know how to read (historic), you'll see that no one here behaved like an asshole or insulted freely others like you did, and still do. I wonder if I'm not speaking with a braindead, here.

    Salt April 2, 2018 1:08 am
    The only one who needs that medicine to cure that type of sickness of yours is you, dear Salty.And if you know how to read (historic), you'll see that no one here behaved like an asshole or insulted freely othe... YaoiSanctuary

    Going straight to insults, huh? You can’t even defend an argument or even bring up any faults anymore. First of all, in history, they most certainly did insult eachother, you uneducated swine. Next, hell yeah they still do it today. My example? Exactly what BOTH of us are doing you dumb cunt. Saying “dear Salty”, Okay, I don’t know if you can read, but my name is “Salt” not “Salty” you illiterate dumbass. And in your sentence “I wonder if I’m speaking to a braindead, here” “brain dead” is two separate words, and that comma you placed after “brain dead” and before “here” is unnecessary. Also “brain dead” isn’t a person, it’s a disorder. I’m sorry, who’s the one who’s brain dead here?

    imbecile testicles April 2, 2018 4:42 am
    Actually I don’t really care for Shota. I’m just saying this stuff and keep commenting because these people are taking this too far. They can’t get over the fact that other people like different stuff tha... @Salt

    oh I'm touched what a hero, defending child porn with your might, people like you and people who read this fucking disgusting ass shit should end up in jail, can't people fucking understand that this counts as child porn, if a porn is animated does that make it not a porn? You're saying that child porn is a taste and it's ok? and we should "respect" people's tastes, lmao so delusional, just shut the fuck up disgusting hoe with 0 common sense, just eat shit and maybe the people "disgracing" you might make you feel guilty about this gross shit you're doing and other pedos like you, so yeah be thankful and shut the fuck up, lol child porn is considered a taste and people are defending it, what a world. and don't @ me again I already lost enough brain cells from replying to you twice

    hi April 2, 2018 4:48 am
    Getting off to child porn isn't a taste or an opinion it's called being a pedophile, and adults porn is different from child porn, and why the fuck are you comparing harada to this, are you comparing fictionary... imbecile testicles

    .....I'm 12 and like shota cause it's kids around my age. I'm not going lie I have got off of it before..... should I stop reading it??????

    Saffron April 2, 2018 4:51 am
    .....I'm 12 and like shota cause it's kids around my age. I'm not going lie I have got off of it before..... should I stop reading it?????? @hi

    I'd recommend not. it's okay now, but once you get any older stop. you are being a pedophile. Just stick to people of age.

    YaoiSanctuary April 2, 2018 8:58 am
    Who said I was playing innocent? I wasn’t even talking to you! I was saying vulgarity because I was repeating exactly what I saw from you. You were vulgar in your own way and I delivered to make sure someone ... @Salt

    Salty, in case you didn’t get it, I write purposely your name "Salty" just to piss you. But you should really think to add "y" to your name, it suits you perfectly. Btw, everyone does have their opinion, but don't you realize what we're talking about here? Shota child porn and those who enjoy and get off to them, aren't you ashamed of yourself?

    In case you didn't see it, I'm from France, means I'm not from an english speaking country nor my smartphone is. Everybody understand well that braindead or brain dead refers to you, an immoral and immature indivual that you are.
    About the Yaoisactuary, it is a sanctuary for Yaoi, not Shota child porn. I think that even you could understand that, my pedo lover.

    iSexy April 2, 2018 4:13 pm

    From an outsider view the hate speech is amazing and I can't help but draw similarities with homophobic bigots. Way to go guys! /s

    Now let's detach a little and think about it:
    1) criminals and pedos are not the same thing;
    2) most pedos don't like being like one and, like other people, would react better to positive reinforcement rather than negative abuse;
    3) shota is surely a much heathier way for a pedo to act out his sexual instinct, since it's legal in most countries (always check out your legislation tho). This compared to actual pedopornography, made with real children (illegal in all countries).
    4) nobody is imposing anything on you. If you don't like it look away, if you really want to make a change write to mangago and give feedback on what you think our direction should be;

    This is what I've been taught and this is what I believe. There really is nothing extraordinary since everything is based on basic empathy, in choosing to give people the respect they deserve, and self-respect, in choosing not to be a person who puts down others based on prejudice.
    Think about it.

    YaoiSanctuary April 2, 2018 5:46 pm
    From an outsider view the hate speech is amazing and I can't help but draw similarities with homophobic bigots. Way to go guys! /sNow let's detach a little and think about it:1) criminals and pedos are not the ... iSexy

    Thinking about it won't make it more ok or legal, miss or mister. You're not honest at all by making some comparisons between homosexuality and Shota; you try to justify the existence (legality) of Shota by pointing out to the hate encountered also by homosexuals.
    You do realize - I hope - that homosexuality involves consent adults, while Shota and pedophilia involve kids.
    While homosexuality (and even marriage for LGBT people) is nowadays accepted largely in many parts of the world, we know that this will never be the case for child porn or sexual exploitation of children among the public.

    While Shota is legal like many other forms of fictions/animations in Japan, it's necessarily not the case in other countries (Europe, France, England...), where Shota is still child porn and forbidden whether it's 2D or with real people.

    What some of us are voicing here is not "prejudices" like you assume, but real concerns about public safety, sanity and health. Again, what we're speaking about here is not rondom tastes for this or that but about child porn. What makes you different from Salty, if you can't even grasp that?

    Pedos are potential criminals, and things like Shota can help them to canalyse their pulsions, but they can also switch to porn involving real children. Nothing is telling us that they're not doing both.
    While Shota might not be harmful at first glande, it can also keep young readers to read that stuff, while they're still growing as adults.

    I hope that you do realize that Shota is already very present in other flashy sites like MRM, Yaoionline... etc, where this particular graphic chil porn is featured daily. It'll be nice to at least spare sites like Mangago, where the public is very large (Shonen, Shojo, Seinen...), and where there are underage readers. That type of Shota is still very minor on Mangago, so thanks to keep things that way. I did report that Shota already.

    LOLOLOLO April 2, 2018 6:09 pm
    From an outsider view the hate speech is amazing and I can't help but draw similarities with homophobic bigots. Way to go guys! /sNow let's detach a little and think about it:1) criminals and pedos are not the ... iSexy

    Lol you too? I came here with that link as well as an outsider.heard about this arguing going on

    iSexy April 2, 2018 7:41 pm

    Let's start saying that I appreciate the much better tone. I will reply floowing your paragraphs.

    I don't believe I'm being dishonest when I compare your hateful speech to the ones gay people get, I immediately thought about that when I read about your opinion that pedophiles are forcing their meterial on you comparing it to gay prides. That was only a starting note and not an argument I wanted to develop more but if it helps you understand, briefly:
    -yes, they are not the same thing;
    -no, I don't think pedos should ever have the same rights as gay people (interpret this as you may);
    -I don't approve of generalistic hate which is what you've been displaying.

    I, again, invite people to look at their legislation. I'll let you know that shota is not strictly illegal in my country (depending on source of material), though there hasn't been a direct debate about the matter.

    I appreciate and share your concern for the safety of children, but that is a different matter. As I said pedos are not criminals (which is the main message I want to convey, also I have the law on my side): the criminals are the sexual assaulters and pedopornography owners. Assuming that people will break the law and pass to actual pedopornography because of their pulsions is, in fact, prejudice. Assuming that shota readers will grow into pedophiles is pretty much groudless.
    There is difference between the two media in, again, one being legal and healthier for everyone.

    I agree that I would rather see less smut on this site since we have MRM, but that's just a personal preference and I won't act on it since it doesn't bother me much. Even we don't have a disclaimer, and even if there's a lot of traffic, based on content the site is already pretty much for adults even without shota. So you reported this already, I can see that you acted for what you think is best for the site, and that I can respect. We'll see what direction this will go.

    I'm sorry to repeat it but I really believe you're acting based on prejudices and I simply cannot let you perpetuate the stigma.
    Thinking about it helps more than you think, it reminds you that you're talking about people with lives behind, that the hurtful language you're using might affect another person.

    YaoiSanctuary April 2, 2018 9:39 pm
    Let's start saying that I appreciate the much better tone. I will reply floowing your paragraphs.I don't believe I'm being dishonest when I compare your hateful speech to the ones gay people get, I immediately ... iSexy

    If you think that my language is affecting others, I wonder what do you think about the language of Salty, for exemple? Can you be fair on that? I'll be very interested to know. I hope you'll give me some plausible arguments about that lol.

    Stigmas...? Against the Shota fans and pedos? Let me laugh! You're a brave justicier, but you're not defending the right cause.
    If you want to look really good, why won't you defend the childs victims of abuse instead of defending the ones who enjoy sexual actions between children? In which name you're doing what you're doing here? Freedom?
    You still couldn't grasp the fact that for some of us, 2D kids or real kids, they're still kids.
    Hopefully, Mangago has very minor of those type of Shota. The rest are less graphic.

    Over all, you're agree with my point of view, but still say it was critics based on discrimination? Can Shota and child porn even allow the world to be discriminate against it, or do you think also that they're wrong? But I understand your persistence to make the world accept even the not acceptable things. This world has turned to the point that when someone gives the hand and some pass to people, they will want all the arm and body. Who can be mad on you for that?
    I don't think you're so of an "outsider" as you pretend considering how you defend the Shota genre and the pedos, but at least you're not cussing, I give you that lol.

    iSexy April 2, 2018 11:52 pm

    What about Salt's language? I personally find it distasteful, and I don't think anyone should argue like that. But what now? You want me to ask him to apologize?

    Stigmas against pedophiles, you're exactly right, and I don't think I'm wrong.
    I will defend victims of abuse, and that includes both children and pedos. I will condemn a sexual predator but I will do it keeping law and ethics in mind, instead of basing it on prejudices. I'm doing this not because of "freedom" but because there are people who are too afraid to seek help because of they are treated like criminals even without having done anything, and because I hope people reading this will learn to differentiate.
    I understand that for you there is no difference between the media, but from what I understand that is that based on your personal opinion and cannot be applied to everyone (you yourself wrote "for some of us").

    I don't get much of this last part, but the world has already accepted much of what I am saying (since 2006 here), you can always try to change things you do not agree with. Good luck with that.
    I won't take the bait and I won't steep so low as to answer your provocation, you can think whatever you want about me and my worth, but my point still stands.