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i wonder if minato had a high iq when he was a kid, seriously, that's some deep shit

mochi February 15, 2018 5:39 pm

i wonder if minato had a high iq when he was a kid, seriously, that's some deep shit

    abthurd February 15, 2018 5:49 pm

    rather than IQ, i think it is EQ??? He's very conscious about other people reactions, emotions and way of thinking. I still think he's a very perceptive person and he can work well with psychology stuffs and something along that line. I mean it's clear he has so much interest in it even after he has grown up. What I really want to know is why he devalues himself so much? Like what happened? People like him tends to overthink and because of that, they have a higher chance to have a depression symptom.

    Ahhh I just love the manga. I wish it will be developed more. I really want to see both of their stories.

    mochi February 16, 2018 6:13 am
    rather than IQ, i think it is EQ??? He's very conscious about other people reactions, emotions and way of thinking. I still think he's a very perceptive person and he can work well with psychology stuffs and so... abthurd

    omg now that you mentioned it... it makes more sense if he has a high eq instead, even his lil bro surprise me... i wish the mangaka saw the potential of her/his characters lol

    abthurd February 17, 2018 11:44 am
    omg now that you mentioned it... it makes more sense if he has a high eq instead, even his lil bro surprise me... i wish the mangaka saw the potential of her/his characters lol mochi

    yeah it was suprisingly well written. I thought it will be a cliche kind of writing. After reading it I badly want more hahaha