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I need more I don't know why it feels so empty to me.Also,how can he not care about his fa...

❁❁❁ Kristi ❁❁❁ February 13, 2018 9:52 pm

I need more I don't know why it feels so empty to me.Also,how can he not care about his father?

    SMNED February 14, 2018 6:46 am

    How could he care about an ass like that? Weren't you reading the story? Whether you're talking about Yukio or Yamato's father they're obviously both asses when they try to push the job of the head of a yakuza onto a 17 year old's shoulders. Yamato's mother is just as much of a b**** for that reason. I don't know how anyone could think otherwise. Thx.