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Ryul is pathetically enduring the bullying because he owes his life to the lead bully.. T...

Anonymous February 11, 2018 1:16 pm

Ryul is pathetically enduring the bullying because he owes his life to the lead bully..

The lead bully saved Ryul but ended up damaging her feet resulting to ruining her dreams of being a ballerina.. so she grew resentful and get a kick out of feeling superior over Ryul's she bullies him..

the MC here is also pathetic.. why.. coz she got crush on her childhood friend Ryul.. can't let him go and so she goes around like a top trying to snaag him..

quite a few secondary male characters are there to fall for the female lead..

in short.. this is another one Korean cliche drama.. bullying, reverse harem, and bitchy rich girls.. yeah.. !! lol..

im quite disappointed about the revelations this time coz, i expectedd quite a lot more from this..
