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Can someone help me understand the psychology behind the feelings they ended up developing...

melkeigo February 8, 2018 8:11 am

Can someone help me understand the psychology behind the feelings they ended up developing and how they coped with such twisted emotions

I understand on the surface but something tells me there's much more to it and my heart is just so confused lol ( ̄ε(# ̄)Σ

    heartbreakerz March 1, 2018 11:53 pm

    I think it all starts with the two students, who already have a pull-and-push relationship, and it moves on onto the professor. To me, it shows how Shou is obsessed with Ookouchi (or obsessed with making his life difficult because he's jealous of his wealth?) and how Ookouchi is repressed by his family and his duties. Ookouchi's only way out is the professor, but then his worst enemy takes the professor away, doing something that stirs up some emotions and urges Ookouchi is trying to suppress.
    The role of the professor makes little sense, it feels like his background was rushed and felt incomplete at the end, but I just believe that he was necessary for the other two to grow a bit.