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This is soo good why it’s not translated please translaters - san(⊙…⊙ )😭(▰˘�...

Anonymous February 5, 2018 7:42 pm

This is soo good why it’s not translated please translaters - san(⊙…⊙ )(▰˘◡˘▰)

    meow April 25, 2018 6:04 am

    It's not about Hakogaku winning. It's about Hakogaku LOSING the previous races. It's always the opposite of their previous result. Ashikiba lost his last race (against Onoda) so he wins this one. Same with Manami, he lost his last battle, now he's a winner. Teshima won against Koga, now he lost. The only exception was Naruko losing again, but that was because it was 2 times more likely that Ashikiba will win because Midou won his previous race (against Naruko). Now, Izumida lost his last race against Tadokoro on the flats last year. So it's quite obvious, although I would like Komari to win, I'm sure he's gonna beat Doubashi, Naruko or most likely Kaburagi on the flats next year or Naruko in a climb (since they're both all-rounders) or some new member of one of the teams, if he'll still be in the story.