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I really feel bad about Masato... He tries to tell himself that he is happy and satisfied....

Trin January 22, 2018 12:26 am

I really feel bad about Masato... He tries to tell himself that he is happy and satisfied... but he's not. I guess his wife is like that too in a sense. I admire them for putting their child first before everything. But if they're not really happy, it's bound to get worse, and at some point of their lives, their daughter would come to realize it too. And when that time comes maybe it'll be a little too late for the both of them.

I wish he took this opportunity to finally confess what he truly feels for Hotaka. Whether he'll get rejected or not.

As for Chika, he's adorable and sweet but he's just too forward. He doesn't give Chika a lot of space to think. He attacks and attacks. That's why Chika goes with the flow, because there's no time for defense. Specially for a guy like him, who needs a lot of space and time to be able to think.

    Kiyotake January 20, 2018 9:15 pm

    best comment i've read so far, completely agree. i kind of like all of them and it's just a sad situation. the only part i think chika really needed to reflect on was tying hotaka to a chair for punishment sex while all his friends were in the other room like what..