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Story on Misano

Hemmy January 18, 2018 2:25 pm

Is there any story about the other gay character Misano? I kinda like him but there wasnt even a chapter about him though ><

    Jake.M February 4, 2018 6:49 pm

    apparently he's gonna have his own story eventually but it's not fully confirmed ;-; I also want to read his story. He looks like the kind of guy who's a wolf in sheep's clothing XD

    Hemmy February 5, 2018 2:11 am
    apparently he's gonna have his own story eventually but it's not fully confirmed ;-; I also want to read his story. He looks like the kind of guy who's a wolf in sheep's clothing XD Jake.M

    Right?! HAHAAHHA! I’m so happy to hear someone agrees to wanting to read about him too! His character really did peaked my interest!