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That ending

JmusicCat January 17, 2018 5:58 am

i read soo many great/amazing/Fanatsic manga so far but for some odd reason They ALways end like

''huh,soo,wat now, are they dead or not, wat for ending is this?!?!'' like there not clear ending how to say it in the end and somehow just end somewhere in middle

    Momotsuki699 March 2, 2018 7:55 am

    OMG THANK YOU FOR SAYING WHAT I WAS THINKING. Honestly I'm pretty damn mad it ended like this. So much epic build up and then.......that's all??????? I haven't been this let down since I finished watching Tenjho Tenge. The manga goes farther and still kinda lets me down, but damn does the anime make me cry. I wish they had wrapped up Arachnid better. Alice deserved a better ending.