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The theme is quite beautiful.

Mameiha January 9, 2018 1:27 am

The idea that love is not something you can force and it should never be suffocating, is both beautiful and true. I'd have enjoyed an extra where Izumi was flourishing in the love that the seme showed him. The mother's love, the aunt's love, even the four eyes' love, were all dark, twisted and possessive to the point of suffocation. These are people who are not in love with the other person, but rather in love with the power they feel from manipulating the hearts of others. They don't fear losing the other person as much as they fear the loss of control over them. All humans feel possessiveness, greed and jealousy because they are emotions tied to our survival instincts. We will always want our lover to only hold us dear or be the only one in our lover's heart and eyes. However, truly loving someone means we also desire to see them grow, succeed and flourish in the world. If there is no balance between fulfilling our desires to possess them and fulfilling our desire to see them grow and flourish, then the love we feel is a selfish love and selfish love is unhealthy. Of all the characters, I think only the uncle was purest in his familial love for Izumi. Unfortunately, Izumi was following the example of his mother and aunt and forcing his own love onto his uncle. I think Izumi recognized this, and wanted to stop. The aunt was a bit of a bitch, but at least she woke up to how wrong her behaviour was and let Izumi go. Izumi's relationship with the four eyes was unhealthy from the start. Four eyes wanted a puppet to control, not a lover.

I love deep manga like this. They give the reader something to contemplate and that is a nice change of pace at times.
