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Please help me find this manga!!! I know its long but please read

Emma January 7, 2018 4:43 am

The story goes that this little girl(I think was an angel) is being tortured by the devil (like I think was having sex with her), and she run away. While running from him, she somehow gets to a place where a gangleader was trying to recruit people(I could be wrong but I know he aws holding a contest) and the little girl hears this and kidnaps a girl so that she could be in the competition. She wore this red dress and later beated all the men she was fighing in the competition. She is then taken to the gangleader, ahd she embarrasses him. I think she called him a virgin, or that he was her dad. The gangleader asked an underling to kill her. The underling was bald and so the girl offered a piece of her hair.

    Viira January 7, 2018 9:18 am

    lmao that was wild, I wish I could help you out because I need to know more about this now

    Emma March 23, 2018 11:11 pm
    lmao that was wild, I wish I could help you out because I need to know more about this now Viira

    People are saying that the manga is called "following"