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Wait dont you have to do some contract shit or agreement before proceeding on what do you ...

fay96 January 3, 2018 8:07 pm

Wait dont you have to do some contract shit or agreement before proceeding on what do you prefer on BDSM and what you dont?also a safe word when the person has the need to pause or stop

    Kill Me Pls January 5, 2018 9:33 am

    A safe word is usually necessary, but a contract isn't. Some have contracts, but not all of them do.

    Tomo-Chan January 9, 2018 2:56 am

    Yes!! I’m glad someone knows something about BDSM. It is true that some don’t discuss safe words and hard/soft limits, but those that don’t are usually just uninformed or don’t care much about their well-being. As far as contracts, they’re pretty rare nowadays, but couples that are seriously committed and live it as a lifestyle (like those who do 24/7 D/s relationships) will write out a contract and use it during a collaring ceremony (which is pretty rare too). Verbal agreements are the norm in the community, but for those that are new to the community, it’s always encouraged to play in public spaces because they can get taken advantage of, even with verbal agreements (like this poor guy), since they still don’t know enough about BDSM to know what is okay and what is not.

    As someone from the community, I can honestly tell you that most in the community ENCOURAGE you to talk things out and discuss everything BEFORE you do ANYTHING with someone claiming to be a Dom/Domme, Master/Mistress, Sir/Madam, or Daddy/Mommy. If you don’t, you are risking your life and well-being. I can’t tell you how many stories of injuries and rape I’ve heard coming from people in the community who didn’t get to know their partner, their partner’s limits, or establish safe words before they started. It’s just not a good idea.

    If you want to learn more, I wrote a rather lengthy review of this manga on the last page of the starred comments, where I talk about the good and bad points of this manga. Hope this helps!

    hataki April 17, 2018 7:00 pm
    Yes!! I’m glad someone knows something about BDSM. It is true that some don’t discuss safe words and hard/soft limits, but those that don’t are usually just uninformed or don’t care much about their wel... Tomo-Chan
    why i love this recent find so much. he actually eases him into it. he sees him doing it to other people. he has an established safe word. he actually tells him before hand what he is going to do. and even tells him, "It;s okay if you don't want to do something", and he makes sure he is all good after the fact. We need more like this!
    (i love all your points. they are accurate and very detailed)