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idk how i feel about this manga...everyone's swooning over how hot the bite scenes are but...

Meow January 3, 2018 5:44 am

idk how i feel about this manga...everyone's swooning over how hot the bite scenes are but have any of y'all actually been bitten so hard you bleed??? it hurts like a BITCH and it's honestly not as hot or arousing as you fangirls seem to think. and the uke even admits it's painful and he doesn't like pain but that he goes along with it bc he knows that's what the seme does...which on one hand is like yay love, but also bordering on self-sacrifice??? idk i just never like the idea of someone doing something they don't like bc they know it'll make their lover happy.

    Himeowchama January 11, 2018 11:40 pm


    JianZhao January 13, 2018 8:23 pm

    Well....if you are lost in ecstasy being bitten really doesn't hurt much..

    vivi January 19, 2018 1:07 am

    Well.. thats what you called a masochist ne...

    Akeno January 22, 2018 7:56 am

    He seems to be enjoying it, so what's the big deal? I'm a huge masochist so I have quite a few scars. Bites aren't the worst thing you can do.

    akera May 11, 2018 12:27 am

    It's like bdsm: It's fun and all if both people are into it but it's straight violence and abuse of only one person likes it and forces the other. The same goes for biting, if you do it while the other person consents it's fine, otherwise you're a criminal.
    Honestly, I wasn't bothered by the biting. I was more bothered by how quick they both supposedly fell in love especially the seme. He has issues more than the uke and it seemed like he was with the uke just because he didn't break like his past lovers and he endured his fetish and didn't tire of him and keeping photos of past lovers in such positions is just creepy. The guy is a borderline psychopath. The uke dosn't feel totally in love either but it feels like he has given the whole thing more thought than the seme