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Happy New Year to you too,

Sam January 1, 2018 2:48 pm

It is updated!!!!! Finally!!!!! Hey, everyone it's updated for real!!! Thank you!!!!
But sensei changed his mind this easily?!?

    Usako January 1, 2018 10:19 pm

    If the kids are now working, I'd guess it took a few more years of having sex with Yuuji (and no one else) to make him a better guy. Maybe he came to terms with himself after Yuuji confessed.

    Sam January 1, 2018 10:21 pm
    If the kids are now working, I'd guess it took a few more years of having sex with Yuuji (and no one else) to make him a better guy. Maybe he came to terms with himself after Yuuji confessed. Usako

    I hope there will be chapters about this.