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Thoughts on 37

heyitsme December 27, 2017 3:47 pm


Ok so you know how at the end when Wolfgang's all like, "your body is now mine" and all? I was thinking, more than Sudden Yandere Syndrome, he's referring to how before, even though he had Shin's heart he couldn't touch him because Shin's body belonged to the PedoKing. But now with his death and the removal of the cape, he can now have Shin's body too. Thoughts?

Also, man I feel uneasy about this curse.

    Tiwooo December 27, 2017 4:23 pm

    Same!! I feel like when things go down shits will really be fucked up. Like I can't imagine Wolfgang doing things that resembles the shits that the previous king had done.

    Fujoshi2Deep December 27, 2017 8:03 pm
    Same!! I feel like when things go down shits will really be fucked up. Like I can't imagine Wolfgang doing things that resembles the shits that the previous king had done. Tiwooo

    yess !! and im so terrified ! I think he might end up losing the dragon's blessing one day TTnTT

    heyitsme December 27, 2017 11:30 pm
    Same!! I feel like when things go down shits will really be fucked up. Like I can't imagine Wolfgang doing things that resembles the shits that the previous king had done. Tiwooo

    I just feel like there’s no way Shin would let that happen...right? T_T