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Now please most of the comments are stating how this manga is named SM which means sadist ...

seiren December 23, 2017 12:57 pm

Now please most of the comments are stating how this manga is named SM which means sadist and masochist so we should've expected it to be this way now here nobody can deny that the seme is a huge sadist but i've read many BDSM stories and fuck me raw if that uke is a real masochist . first of all there was no real consent since he was drunk , and let's pretend there was consent, in the last chapter he said it still doesn't feel good but he will continue doing it just because he likes the seme that really hit me hard the only condition for me to like a BDSM story is if it's between a sadist and a maso otherwize it's just pure torture and here the uke was just ignoring his body's desires just because he wasn't able to surpass his feelings for that man mostly because he was recently heartbroken . i believe there is two types of masochism there is the masochism of the everyday life in the way you act towards other people , and the sexual masochism and that comes to your body wether you feel sexual pleasure in pain and in being hit or it just hurts . you are not made a masochist you are born one . i guess this explains everything our uke only liked it because the seme did ; the first type of masochism which is not sexual as it was meant to be here

    pennyinheaven December 25, 2017 3:08 am

    Akihisa was still processing it in the third chapter. He is so physically painted but he was trying to figure out why in the world he felt pleasure, why the hell is he wanting for more and why did he end up clinging on Shizuru like his life depends on it begging more of Shizuru's dick. He is analyzing why the hell is he not appalled by it. You are probably right, masochism is innate which is why Akihisa found a liking to it, if he wasn't, he wouldn't ponder much about it and go straight to the police or get traumatized by the experience or something, like what his friend suggested.

    You wouldn't know from birth that you are a masochist rather you discover whether you are or not.

    seiren December 25, 2017 2:57 pm
    Akihisa was still processing it in the third chapter. He is so physically painted but he was trying to figure out why in the world he felt pleasure, why the hell is he wanting for more and why did he end up cli... pennyinheaven

    you may be right, but for me it looked like he was really in pain but he was just too desperate that he wanted something to cling onto even if it gave him pain he was willing to do it as a relieve and gradually it just turned into and addiction . you also said that he discovered his masochism so are you saying that even if the man who did that to him was someone else he would've liked it the same? well i don't think that's the idea the author was trying to transmit, do you?

    pennyinheaven December 25, 2017 5:42 pm
    you may be right, but for me it looked like he was really in pain but he was just too desperate that he wanted something to cling onto even if it gave him pain he was willing to do it as a relieve and graduall... seiren

    Well, first off, I am sorry for typing painted! OMG. I didn't notice my auto-correct has failed me, though I do proofread. It's pained, physically pained. Gomen!

    Of course it was painful! Damn, he was hit so many times. The clinging thing - that's why he was processing it, he didn't know why his body was reacting such way. Maybe because this is in print that the duration didn't come through the pages but Shizuru was very slow in everything he did, introducing what he was about to do next one at a time. So Akihisa's reactions were earned and somewhat conditioned. Imagine each scene was a step or level, if Akihisa did not find a liking to the whole concept of sadomasochisim, they would not reach the riding crop level. He would've protested when enema was being done to him, since he was subjected to such embarrassment. So at the riding crop level, he has developed a trust and dependence on Shizuru, thus clinging to him. Also, he was clinging not for the pain but for the dick, he was asking to thrust it in deeper.

    Addiction - Isn't that the point of BDSM? The addiction of dominating/being dominated and pleasure amidst the pain? I think it is a sort of addiction.

    Yes, I do think Akihisa would still be one if it wasn't Shizuru. It's just that the point of the story is to create an exclusive relationship between them since Shizuru is a complete and a monogamous Dom, or at least that's what he made Akihisa feel. If it was another Dom, I think Akihisa would still find himself a masochist and be attached to that person, given that that Dom is able to make Akihisa feel secure. But Akihisa is not a masochist that anyone would do, at least not yet but we wouldn't know that, would we? After all, he's still knew to it. He would stick with the person who introduced him into it for a while.

    The following chapters will surely clarify Akihisa's stand on it so let's see how the author will explain things to us.