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Am I the only one thinking of the probability that SHINEE'S Jonghyun's death might not be ...

Dickun December 19, 2017 3:32 pm

Am I the only one thinking of the probability that SHINEE'S Jonghyun's death might not be a suicide but maybe a case of murder.. This might not be a good place to open this up but I just really want to hear the opinion of others aside from the people I know..

    May December 19, 2017 3:35 pm

    why would it be a murder?

    NoName December 19, 2017 3:45 pm

    The poor boy was depressed and it has killed himself because people don't want to acknowledge mental illnesses.Please,just stop with the conspiracy theories bullshit.

    samzoca December 19, 2017 4:09 pm

    It wasn't a murder. He's been through a lot. He was suffering so much. I never saw someone suffering that much as him. Please, don't say things like that. His fans, his family, his friends are really having a hard time.

    Fehlover December 19, 2017 4:11 pm

    It's been ruled a suicide. Even his sister said that the last text she received from him sounded like he was going to commit suicide. She was the one who reported him missing. Various interviews indicated that he was suffering from depression as well.

    Dickun December 19, 2017 4:14 pm

    Oh.. Fine.. It's just the way I think I guess..

    Dickun December 19, 2017 4:22 pm
    The poor boy was depressed and it has killed himself because people don't want to acknowledge mental illnesses.Please,just stop with the conspiracy theories bullshit. NoName

    It might just be theories but I'm just thinking outside the box... I already know that he's suffering depression and mental illnesses btw but can you definitely say that those chances doesn't exist.. Foul plays are very rampant especially since he's a known figure in the industry.. Well it's definitely sad and also a pity that he died since a lot of people loved him.. But I'm just stating an opinion so stop with your super sensitive ass, alright?

    Dickun December 19, 2017 4:30 pm
    why would it be a murder? @May

    Well we don't actually know what's happening inside the kpop industry.. Maybe there are some internal conflicts or other people who holds grudges with him especially since the time he showed his support to the lgbt community in Korea which earned him a lot of bashers and critics since most of the people there are still not open about homosexual relationships... And since there's not autopsy report so I guess we don't EXACTLY know what happened behind the scenes..

    NoName December 19, 2017 5:20 pm
    It might just be theories but I'm just thinking outside the box... I already know that he's suffering depression and mental illnesses btw but can you definitely say that those chances doesn't exist.. Foul play... Dickun

    The only 'super sensitive ass' I see right now is you,who can't comprehend that other people have different opinions from you.You asked a question,you got an answer.Now,can you please stop with your super 'outside-the-box-thinking' bullshit,alright ? Thanks.(▰˘◡˘▰)

    Anonymous December 19, 2017 9:28 pm

    The reason is simple....I know it's hard to accept as you are a fan....hopefully
    But the thing is ppl who are or were suffering depression that it was suicide cause when see the letter only ppl who went through that phase will understand and had same expression which he used...I went through depression so I know that but as I fan I was also shocked
    And if you are a doctor or police officer you will also that after the investigation they ruled it out for a reason which was also pointed out
    For it's real sad as I was also a fan of artist who was a singer whom I lost this year so it's quiet heart breaking to see to lose such ppl

    JunkiReader December 19, 2017 10:40 pm

    He did send those messages himself so I think he actually committed suicide. Let's not go into any theories though.