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Personally i kind of like this manga. So twisted i thought but i hate the ending. It left ...

me July 1, 2013 7:48 am

Personally i kind of like this manga. So twisted i thought but i hate the ending. It left a lot of unsolved problems between the two, it would've been better if the seme made things clear about the uke not being a replacement or something to that effect.but I'm kind of sad seeing people didn't like this even tho i kind of do and thatI've seen worse so I'm okay but still sad about the comments. I'm a very small fan of Stockholm kind of stories but only when they actually have a good ending unlike this.

    Tiger July 5, 2013 6:07 am

    Really I thought the end was good. It told you they were staying together and the boy finally understood his feelings I think the teach did also.