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I'MMM SOOO FUCKINNN MADDDD!!! ARGH!! DAMN!! BULLSHIT!!! These bastards deserve to die and ...

Dickun December 3, 2017 7:58 am

I'MMM SOOO FUCKINNN MADDDD!!! ARGH!! DAMN!! BULLSHIT!!! These bastards deserve to die and burn in hell for all eternity.. I want to cut their limbs off and stuff them inside an iron maiden... Whew.. I'm thinking of killing them in a hundred ways... Scratch that. Make it a thousand... Let' make them experience "dying in a thousand ways"... Hmm.. I'm thinking of using iron maiden, Judas cradle, impalement and other torture about you guys??! Because I'm getting crazy and I think I'm becoming a psychopath in no time here with all the anger and frustrations welling up inside me!! And for the mc stop being so DIFFICULT!! I still don't know what your background story is on why you refuse to ask for help..but you should start to have more confidence in yourself and don't be stubborn and learn to ask for help...

    Anonymous December 3, 2017 8:04 am

    Let's burn them alive while they give birth. Don't worry, we'll figure out a way to make that possible. Let's also give them immortality so they can suffer without dying. Let's take them to space so they can burn out in the atmosphere, too.

    Dickun December 3, 2017 9:00 am
    Let's burn them alive while they give birth. Don't worry, we'll figure out a way to make that possible. Let's also give them immortality so they can suffer without dying. Let's take them to space so they can bu... @Anonymous

    Yeah let's do that.. There's nothing better for these bastards than to let them taste eternal suffering... * sinister laugh.!!!