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My problem

hunterx2 November 25, 2017 7:24 am

I don't understand why Junpei didn't just give Rina a clean break. He didn't change his number. He's always answering her calls and messages. He isn't saying what needs to be said. Even when he was being really forward with her, he said things like "I'm not deserving of your love". He needs to say "Even if I were single and without a child, I wouldn't be with you because I don't love you."

Like, legit. Have any of you noticed that he has actually not said "I don't love you" point blank to Rina?

    Anonymous January 23, 2018 8:09 pm

    well she's a bitch, and probably have mental illness. its like voices enter from the right ear and out the other, you get what i mean? Like she would just pretend she didn't hear any of it.

    but yeah he should at least say that