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I don't like this manga, not because female lead is fat, but because lead guy started to l...

Shinon256 November 13, 2017 10:54 am

I don't like this manga, not because female lead is fat, but because lead guy started to likr her becase of her body. It seems like big girls can't get man unless guys have fetish, which is complete bullshit. The way he likes to "squish" her rolls is gross. Imagine if guy liked extra skinny girls and liked to touch their ribs and hip bones. Why couldn't author just made guy fall for her for personality and the whole idea would have been "looks don't matter, what is inside does", but instead they this. I'm no so skinny myself and if guy came to me and started to squish my rolls, thighs... I would be so fucking pissed. FAT GIRLS ARE NOT YOUR FETISH. That is why I like the other guy, he seems to like her for HER, no for her BODY. And it's sad how people like it just because she is fat and she got hot boy. Im so pissed...

    manganiME January 15, 2018 4:13 am

    There are guys who are "chubby chasers." This guy is clearly one.
    While it's weird at first, as it goes along, you get to see that he's actually a really nice guy and she's a girl who can feel comfortable that she's fine for him as is, no need to diet to get "prettier."

    I've known heavy women who dated chubby chasers they met at mixers for heavy folks and people who like heavy folks. Aside from feeders--which is destructive--it worked out pretty okay (not perfect every time, but many got married). When you're in a society where thin is idolized, where breasts and ass are practically fetishized, for some it's a relief to find someone for whom fat is not only NOT an issue, but an asset.

    I don't see how that's much different from a guy who'd only go out with fit women (you see dating sites where they specifically mention what weight and athletic level they want), or only women with long hair, or only short women. "I"m an ass man" "I'm a titty guy." You actually hear that kind of thing. I don't see how that's much different, really. It's the thing that attracts...but then you have to like the person.

    In this manga, the people around him do tell him he's odd. The girl does make it clear it makes her uncomfy to be constantly handled in public. It's not as if everyone is applauding his fetish. But if a person HAS a fat fetish, then I guarantee there a person who is made to feel better by that. Not every chubby girl, but some want that affirmation.

    As far as getting the "hot boy," lots of girls and guys like the feeling of showing off the "trophy" catch--and when you're young, getting the hottie in school is like winning at some game. Why do you think we have the phrase: trophy wife. It's vulgar, but it's accurate. Getting the rich date or the beautiful date or the supersmart date is always like winning to others in a peer group.

    manganiME January 15, 2018 4:17 am

    How many fat girls can say this, with this peacefulness, at that age (high school)?

    She can feel that because fat is NOT an impediment and never will to a "chubby chaser." She's happy.

    kiwikitsune January 15, 2018 8:45 am
    There are guys who are "chubby chasers." This guy is clearly one.While it's weird at first, as it goes along, you get to see that he's actually a really nice guy and she's a girl who can feel comfortable that s... manganiME

    Well said. I must admit when I first started reading it I did have a wtf moment, but as the story progressed I was hooked. Though I am pretty sure our mc doesn't see him as a trophy.

    Saye May 10, 2024 10:51 pm

    Honestly that would be a message for me. if he roles my fat, I be like keep going. honestly I don't see a problem with it.