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just realized

Crazy28Cat November 9, 2017 11:39 pm

we keep on saying that amemori should get HIS memory BACK
but how is that possible because this amemori NEVER had them in the first place, It's not HIS memory but the memory of amemori ver.1 ......unless the memories somehow get's transported from ver.1 to ver.2. yet that happening might be slim (hoping it might happen). and if somehow amemori fell for yui. then it won't be right because in the first place yui fell in love with amemori after a lot of struggle.... and if yui accept the amemori ver.2 without his memory ...... isn't he just replacing or using ver.2 as substitute, and that'll be unfair with ver.2 because there seems to be a difference in the character of ver.1 from ver.2 and of course how they lived their life.
