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It would be so great if Taemin temporarily got his original body back and topped Woojin......

Korea November 8, 2017 11:10 am

It would be so great if Taemin temporarily got his original body back and topped Woojin....

    Sternensilber November 8, 2017 2:38 pm

    :D Taemin should go back to his original body, I totally agree. But I think Min Woojin should be the top. :D

    Anonymous November 8, 2017 10:12 pm

    I think Woojin will top no matter what and Taemin not minding at all lol

    Korea November 9, 2017 9:24 am

    Idk but when Taemin thought about what if he and Woojin were still together in their original bodies, I thought Taemin looked more muscular and more dom than Woojin, plus Woojin is pretty c: